Americans love their water. But most of the water they drink does not come from the tap , but from a bottle. An interesting and enlightening article published in the
Fast Company magazine highlights how the good old drinking water put in a bottle has become a symbol of ostentation, culture of indulgence, and a fashion statement.
Here are some quick facts to consider
1. Americans spent more money last year on bottled water than on ipods or movie tickets: $15 Billion
2. 1 billion bottles of water are moved around a week in ships, trains, and trucks in the United States alone.That's equivalent to 37,800 18-wheelers delivering water.
3. Fiji Water produces more than a million bottles a day, while more than half the people in Fiji do not have reliable drinking water.
4. Last year, Americans drank 28.3 gallons of bottled water per person more then coffee, milk and beer combined and second only to soft drinks which stood at 52.9 gallons per person.
5. If the water we use at home cost what even cheap bottled water costs, our monthly water bills would run $9,000. This says a lot...
Not to mention the harm and pollution that these billions of bottles cause to the environment....
Read the complete article
Message in the Bottle