The recent comments by Raj Thackery about Amithab Bachchan and the ensuing violence where Maharashtra Nav Nirman Sena party workers attacked taxi drivers and small shop owners from North India has created a tense situation in Mumbai. After being marginalized from the Shiv Sena, this stunt by Raj Thackery was his latest ploy to keep himself in the limelight ahead of next years assembly elections. And the victim of his latest political maneuvering is the common man of Mumbai including Marathi speaking people.
It is no wonder that this cheap political trick and his parochial mentality will get Raj Thackery and his party no where in the long run. In a state where farmers suicides are the order of the day with Maharastra accounting for the highest number of them last year, more then three times that of Andra Pradesh, the real focus should be on how to tackle this situation and not squabble on whether somebody is loyal to Maharastra. Alas if Raj Thackery had this much common sense it would have served him well in the future.
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this very right people always prefer to take short cuts. like if he would have tried to do something for farmers than it was quite difficult and requires a lot of dedication as compared to sitting in ac room and promoting hooliganism.