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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fast Onto Death - How a Non Violent Tool Became a Tool to Blackmail the State

While Mahatma Gandhi used the one of the tools of non violence i.e. fast onto death to further a selfless cause, the same tool has been used by K Chandrashekar Rao (KCR) to further his own cause.

For those who are not familiar with recent development, KCR used the fast onto death as a tool to blackmail the central government to agree for the creation of a separate Telangana state

Of course whenever the state is created, it is KCR who stands to benefit from this, as he has become the undisputed leader of the Telangana cause.

On the same issue, I read two very interesting blog posts.

The first one is by TJS George, who writes:
The success of Chandrasekhara Rao’s death-fast threat for Telangana takes the game to parochialism of a negative kind. His objective is personal gain. He had lost his political base, lost his party allies and lost even the recent elections in the state. Now, in one fell sweep, he has assured himself the chief ministership of Telangana State if and when it materialises. A classic case of zero to hero.

This is good for Chandrasekahara Rao and bad for Telengana and very bad for India. It is bad for Telangana because Chandrasekhara Rao is just a run-of-the-mill politician. Any government he heads will be one more exercise in the usual sharing of spoils

The second is by Amit Varma, who writes:
The TRS isn’t just about blackmail, of course—they’re also using standard political gundagardi. I find it delightfully ironical that after Rao broke his fast by having orange juice for health reasons, the “students who had attacked policemen and public and private property for two days to support Mr Rao did not take kindly to this sudden decision.” They might have suspected that Rao was not sufficiently dedicated to their cause, to which I’d respond that no politician is devoted to any cause other than himself. That’s human nature. Orange juice zindabad.
Read the complete post by TJS George From patriotism to parochialism
Read the complete post by Amit Varma Fast Onto Death

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