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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Health Care Reform - Why Bipartisanship Does not Exist

When it comes to Health care reform trying to find a common ground between Democrats and Republicans is like hunting for a needle in a haystack. It still exists but there is no hope of finding it.

Christoper Beam in a recent article for Slate Magazine summarizes why there is very little hope, if at all, to find bipartisan support:
The first problem is that Republicans and Democrats can't even agree there's a problem. McCain and McConnell say we're No. 1 in health care, while Democrats agree with the World Health Organization that we're more like No. 37. Democrats say there are 47 million uninsured Americans. McCain and McConnell, meanwhile, are skeptical. "I don't question that number in summary," McCain said, "but I think when you break it down it gets more interesting." For example, he said, 5 million are college students, 9 million are people making $75,000 a year or more, 10 million are non citizens, 11 million are eligible for Medicaid or S-CHIP but haven't enrolled. "So really, we're talking about 12 to 15 million who are uninsured today."

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